Oh February!


Oh, how I have missed thee!

February has come and gone, and I have been away making significant moves. Even though a new month has just begun, I couldn’t forget to share my February. February is a fun month for me anyway because It’s Black History Month and I love learning about my history. Speaking of history, I just made a major milestone. I completed the last course of my doctorate program, and now I’m working on my dissertation which means I’m closer to being a doctor. I’m so excited to begin my research study which encompasses me working with African American women. The cool thing about this process is that my sister is also working on her doctorate as well.


I also got a chance to see the Black Panther movie with my family, and it was fantastic. I am a fan of the Marvel Universe franchise, so I’ve seen all of the films and shows prior to Black Panther. If you don’t follow Marvel Universe, each movie and show gives a different energy and experience. So, I try not to compare each project. This movie is in my top three favorite Marvel movies (the other two are The Avengers and Captain: America The First Avenger). This movie was so empowering and provided so many messages. I love how the women exuded feminity, strength, and intelligence.


I’ve indulged in a PBS docu-series via Amazon Prime called Finding Your Roots which delves into the lives of celebrities of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. This show is so fascinating. I totally recommend this show.

Image result for finding my roots

I look forward to sharing more content with. Talk to you soon!



Flashback Friday Fashion


Hello, lovelies!

Since I didn’t post much last year, I had share one of my favorite looks from last year. When I was a little girl, Easter was a big deal.  I would get a dress and go to the beauty shop to get my hair done the Saturday before Easter with the anticipation of dressing up for church on Easter Sunday.  Now, that I’m an adult, going all out for Easter is not a big deal.

Last year, I really wanted to put a little more effort in my Easter ensemble.  I wanted simple and “springy”.  I also wanted to wear some shade of white and I found this simple yet cute ivory dress from Amazon.


I wore an ivory belt with crystals on it that I got years ago from Charming Charlies and glitter sandals from Rainbow.  I loved the simplicity and how serene I felt wearing this outfit.


I’m excited about sharing more fashion post with you!





Hello, beautiful people and Happy New Year!

I can’t believe it’s 2018 already. To be completely honest, I am glad that 2017 is over. What a year? I literally isolated myself, especially from social media, as much as possible to recuperate from the highs and mostly lows of a year that literally has left me using punctuation marks to describe my life.


If you’ve ever watched the movie Monster-in-Law with Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda, there’s a scene where the ladies meet for the first time and chat over tea. During the conversation, Jane Fonda’s character reaches for the question mark necklace around J Lo’s neck and ask, “Why the question mark?”. Jennifer responds candidly and freely with a bright smile “Oooh, ’cause I just don’t know?” ended with a carefree laugh. I swear this is one of my favorite scenes of the movie. I love Jennifer’s character, Charlie, and I connect with her so much. She had different jobs and ventures going on at the same time while trying makes sense of it all and embracing the changes as they come. Charlie went to the beat of her own drum without any apologies.

Life is full of situations and experiences that are interesting, frustrating, challenging, fun, exhilarating, along with so many other adjectives. Last year, I struggled with the not knowing and trying to figure it out. I felt a lot of internal and external conflict because I realized that I lost myself. I lost “beating the rhythm to my own drum.” I missed the relationship I had with myself. I stopped feeding my soul and continued taking on obligations that were depleting me. I felt like I was suffocating and my body and spirit were suffering because of my unhappiness and discouragement.

I stopped making my happiness and peace the priority. So I decided before I go into to 2018, I need to make a change. THERAPY. If you’re new to my blog, I am a marriage and family therapist, and I am a believer and supporter of psychotherapy. There’s this negative stigma associated with counseling and therapy, but there are really great therapists out here who know what they are doing and genuinely care. Don’t get me wrong, there are some people out there who should not be practicing. But there are doctors, hairstylists, teachers, spiritual advisors and so on who are really whack yet they are still working. If someone sucks at what they do find someone who knows what they are doing.

Okay, I’m off my therapy soapbox. Anyway, therapy has been great, challenging, and needed. I actually feel like I can breathe again. I am looking forward to getting back to Brandi. I must say that it feels great getting back to the blog as well. I have missed being here and thanks to you who are still hanging out with me!

I look forward to blogging with you this 2018.


Good Vibes Only

Hello, beautiful people!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted on my blog, but I’m excited to share a post.  Life has been pretty full which means that I must focus on the all that is good and positive in order to stay balanced and inspired.  I wore my “Good Vibes Only” tee as a reminder to surround myself with good things and people as much as possible.


I wore this outfit Sunday and I enjoyed putting this look together.  I love graphic tees and prints and made a really cool, chic look.  I rolled my sleeves up and tied a little knot and threw on my favorite leopard print skirt.


I wore some sandal and added my pink handbag and earrings.





FYI my graphic tee is from Rue 21 (men’s department which has better graphic tees from personal observation).

It feels so good to share this post with you!  Feel free to let me know what you think!

Talk to you soon!  I can’t wait to share my vacation to California with you too!



Walking in 2017



Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, and Happy Tuesday beautiful people!

It’s been too long, but you all were on my mind every day…SERIOUSLY!  I apologize for my lack of consistency and engagement on my blog.  If I could, I would love to engage with you daily, and my hope is to be more present because blogging is truly a pleasure and escape for me.  It feels like a part of me diminishes when I can’t blog.  Quite honestly, I wish that I could be a full-time blogger.  Until that wish comes true…I will do what I can.

Here’s an update on my life.  I am still working as a chemist, and this career move is definitely a needed break from mental health.  I am just getting over a pretty serious upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, and blepharitis (swollen eye infection).  So, for the past two weeks, I have gotten some much-needed rest, fluids, and breathing treatments.

You know I had to give my first style of the year.

So on Sunday, here’s what I wore.


My sweater is from Rainbow.  My skirt is from Citi-Trends. My necklace is from Rue 21. My shoes are from Fashion to Figure.

I really love how this outfit came out. Soft and bold with my tulle skirt and Aztec print sweater.


Be on the look out for a vlog post!

Much love,

Brandi xoxo